What’s a Man?
by Ms. Margaret Davis
- A real man gets in your heart, not in your face.
- A real man takes time to listen. He values communication and respects the needs of others.
- A real man sets priorities.
- A real man researches all his options, lists his choices and thinks before making a decision.
- A real man never makes decisions when his emotions are not under control. He would rather wait three days than risk overreacting.
- A real man uses logic, compromise, and negotiation to solve problems.
- A real man chooses his fights and knows the facts before he takes a stand.
- A real man uses motivation rather than intimidation.
- A real man doesn’t offer excuses or blame others for his choices.
- A real man knows that not everything in life is a crisis.
- A real man doesn’t need to raise his voice or upgrade his personality when company is around. He is consistent.
- A real man doesn’t brag. Time reveals what matters.
- A real man accepts the challenges of being vulnerable and intimate. He knows the depth of his maturity and the length of his attention span are the only real measurements that count.
- A real man values good manners. Humility is a strength not a weakness.
- A real man is clean and guards his health.
- A real man uses humor to enrich rather than ridicule. He can smile.
- A real man uses his strengths and admits his weaknesses. He can ask for help.
- A real man is honest. He neither creates delusions nor false hopes.
- A real man is loyal. He values the trust people place in him.